Hi, my name is Nikolaj Niebuhr. I was born on the 11th May 1983 and spend my childhood on a farm outside of Tårs in Northern Jutland, Denmark. I have always been very active and have always liked sports like gymnastics, cycling or ball games. In the age of 8 I had a surgery because of a deformed blood vessel in my brain and as a result of that I am paralysed on my right arm and partly on my right leg.
However, my paralysis has never stopped me from doing sports.
I spend a lot of my time doing gymnastics and going swimming. After I had finished my primary education, I went to a technical school and continued with an apprenticeship as an industrial technician.
In 2004 I was fully trained and received my apprentice certificate. This was also the year when my grandpa took me skiing for the first time, in the Dolomite Alps in Italy. This experience completely changed my life. From that year on I spend time there at least three times a year.
In 2007 I got a job as a skiing guide. I really learned to love skiing and being out in the nature surrounded by the mountains. That is why I did the job as skiing guide for three seasons in a row. In the summer holidays, I spend my time there as well, however with the mountain bike instead of skis.
Today I live in the Dolomite alps all year round, where I spend my free time on the mountain bike, climbing or Randonee skiing.

Don’t hesitate to contact me and hear whats in it for you
+39 346 3791942